silly morning fun + a blog interview

my poor little boy.

he just wanted to dress up like batman, and then robin, but somehow his sister always manages to get a tu-tu on him.

sometimes superheros get tired. so they suck their fingers….and then they lift off their masks, to reveal goggles.  ;)

(please ignore the “hand-me-downed-5-times” PJ’s he’s sporting…..)


oh I could just EAT this child all day.

(my daughter loved grabbing the camera from me to snap this.)


Two things:

1.  the kind ladies over at The Maternal Lens did a blog interview with little ol’ me.  (way to make a girl feel special!)  their blog is pretty rad, and i’m glad to have found it!!  so GO HERE to check it out!

2.  if you didn’t see the post of my baby sister’s engagement photos, check them out in the post below!  if you did and commented THANK YOU SO MUCH.  it completely moved me to see so many people i am fond of and love comment on something so dear.  :)