priya {through the years}

I told Priya I would do a slide show for her, and then time slipped away…I sat down today looking through the TONS of photos over the years and just got lost.  A few hours later when I reappeared, I gathered a quick few of my favorites that are on my hard drive (I didn’t have time to break out the scanner), and I have Priya ages 1 through 10.

**These are taken with different types of cameras from point and shoots, to film ,to SLR’s, and over the course of the past 10 years.**

Little Priya girl at 1 and 2!!  :)  She was bald until after she was 2.  :)  The bottom right is her “SPAZ” face she made to act angry.


Here she is at 3, 4, and 5.  Her hair finally grew and was so adorably curly.  The two photos on the right side were taken in Rome, the week she turned 4.


6, 7 and 8….looking less like a baby girl and more like a little lady.


This first photo from last winter she was 9, and the one on the left taken by bobbi + mike this past August…I will always cherish.


And if you missed my happy birthday post from yesterday, I have a 10 yr. old session I did with her.

Happy Happy 10 to our big girl Priya!

We love you bunches.

Mama and Baba