our snuggle buddy.

This week I have been a busy bee trying to play catch up on some work, prepping to blog a beautiful wedding, all while getting things in order for my kids school year which is just around the corner.  We home school, and we are making some big changes this year, and adding on some new challenges since my daughter is now going to be a 5th grader  (Help me Lord.)

Of course in the midst of all of this, the kids get sick.  They are feeling a bit better today, but last night I began losing my voice, and by the time I went to bed I sounded just as sexy as Demi Moore- maybe sexier.

Today all I want is to rest, when in the back of my mind I have guilt of work that needs to be done.  But I’m going to take it easy. I’m sitting here holding my sweet little cuddle bug boy, and doing what we do so well together- snuggling (yes, while I type and he critiques my editing).

Here are some photos I took a couple months back.  One of his favorite things to do is act like he is “napping” at the vent below my feet.  I look down from my office chair and see this:

It’s so funny….I remember pushing my first two to grow up, and get out of the “baby” phase.  Now I find I am just savoring my moments with my three year old who still wants to snuggle and suck his fingers.  I am very happy with my baby boy taking his sweet time.  (Yes, I see the whole “baby complex” in the making- and I’m ok with that.)

Here’s to illness passing quickly, and lots of love in the meantime.  :)