Oh Happy Day x 2.

It’s late. We leave town early in the morning for a few days, but I wanted to shout a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY out to two of my favorite people. First is my favorite Father-in-law….in fact he’s the best I’ve ever had. :) :) We had a great dinner tonight with Brett’s Dad Ray, and his wonderful wife Nancy. Thanks guys for spending it with us.


Second, to one of bestest and dearest friends, Luce. She is one of my only friends who leaves me blog comments on a regular basis (hint to all you slackers!) and she is such a lover of my babies….she is like a second Mama to them, and a sister to me. She is in Texas visiting her REAL sister and family, and I hope she is having fun!! Lucy I love you! Hope your day was a great one.


We will be out of touch the next few days, but I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Look for some fun pics next week.
