my big little boy {turns 6}

Happy, Happy Birthday to my (not so baby any more) boy Adin. I can’t believe he is 6 years old already, as it seems like literally a week ago that I labored the WHOLE 4th of July, and had my first son at 1:05 am on the 5th. Now here he is, in all his mini-Brett cuteness, looking more and more like a little man by the minute. Can someone please pass me some tissues?

Somehow he managed to have more of a birthday WEEK this year. He had a joint party with Gabriel last weekend while their two Uncles were in town, and then his own pool party last night. Here are a few moments from the two parties….

Can you see what’s on the cake? My parents gave a joint present to the kids- a HUGEMONGOUS play set for the yard. Brett’s gonna have fun this week putting it together.  :)

Adin chows on cake, while Gabe eats his lactose free brownie. :)

Adin has wanted “heely’s” FOREVER. Now he can join all the other annoying kids rolling around Costco. Don’t worry, I am teaching him proper Heely etiquette.

That tongue cracks me up.

At his pool party…with his buddy Josie.

Eating some pizza, and annoying Josie. :)


I was in shock because he can cast perfectly!

Little brother Riah tries out Adin’s gift-a motorized boat.

Happy birthday to my beautiful 6 year old boy! My life is so much brighter with you in it Adin. :)