Grandpa George Turns 90!!…PART 2

We went down to Columbia Tennessee last weekend for Brett’s Grandpa’s 90th birthday. Columbia is a small town about 45 minutes South of Nashville. They are famous for their “Mule Day” parade. It is a load of fun!! After all, it is the MULE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. (New fun fact for ya!)


Grandpa George (Samaha) is Brett’s Lebanese-American grandfather. He is so adorable. I hope Brett ages as handsome as him. :) He is a veterinarian that STILL PRACTICES in Columbia, TN. He lives on a beautiful farm, and it is always so much fun to spend time wandering around in the fresh country air. Here is Grandpa with Brett and great grandchild Gabe.

Here is Brett’s Mama Beth with her Daddy.

Almost everyday Grandpa eats at this restuarant. Let me just tell you, the food is REAL here.

Someone got Grandpa this hat. Brett was taking his picture, and after he took about 2 shots, Grandpa didn’t understand why he kept taking more!! He said, “How many photos do you need??”

On our drive home we were stopped in this. Seriously, this is not what you want to see with 4 children in your car.

When people get out and start walking their dogs, it’s NEVER a good sign. Luckily after about 45 mins. we were back in business.

I have some more photos of the farm and kids coming…..