Eric, Jill, Naomi, Noah, Sarah, and Sophia {studio3z family}

This precious family is very near and dear to our hearts.  Eric and Jill have been friends of ours since back when they were single.  We have many wonderful memories with them, and we have been blessed to see them marry, have baby one, two, three and four!

We were THRILLED to go out to their new home and do a fun family session of them.  They have dreamed of having a home with a piece of land to raise their kids on, and recently they got just that!  It really is a lovely home and property, and I’m sure they will make many happy memories as a family together there.

This is Sarah  :)  She’s my buddy.

I love how loving and carefree the kids seem here.

Sweetie pie Sophia  :) She had just turned *1* a couple weeks before we took these.

Caution: A little too much of this…..

…..may lead to THIS.  (Trust us on this)

OK, so we were a little OBSESSED with smiley little sweetie pie….Can you blame us???!

Noah, doing the boy thing.

I remember we had to say some gross and mildly inappropriate things….but look at their faces.  :)  :)  :)

and this is their plot of land they are walking…

Sarah got tired of photos and took a 10 minute swinging break.

Pretty, big sister Naomi.

Noah, or mini-Eric as some call him!

Jill, Eric…..I love these two photos SOOO much!!  They are just completely you two.


Ahhh, such a fun night with such wonderful friends.  Love you guys!

P.S. Happy early birthday to my birthday buddy Naomi!!  ;)