Spring, Spring, SPRING! {I like it}

So today is the first day of Spring. For me it is a given that when Spring arrives, I have to start slingin’ around a huge cob-web duster and go to town, because that’s what I did this morning until I nearly fainted.

After I got the kiddos down for a nap, I walked by my back porch and saw this little squirrel on my deck. First, I thought it was dead…it was sprawled out, eyes closed, and it lay motionless. Then I saw the little guy’s eye peek open and I realized he was just relaxing in the sun. I decided to take a break from cleaning, take a photo of the fur ball cuteness, and then plan my schedule of spring cleaning for next week.

The squirrel laid there for over a half an hour, getting nice and toasty in the sun. I have to admit, I was a little jealous.


Ohioans: Going to vote tomorrow?

On a more serious note, if you are from Ohio are you voting in the primaries tomorrow? If you are registered, then go vote!

Brett and I have been avid Ron Paul supporters for a while. We feel he is the only choice out there that is offering up true hope for America. Why would we vote for someone who isn’t in the lead? Simply put, we vote out of principle. If we don’t take a stand, how could there ever be true change?

If you have a couple minutes, watch the YouTube video below and check out his site too. I encourage everyone to vote. Exercise your right!


“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
Abraham Lincoln