corinne {a senior session}

Last week I had the pleasure of doing a session with Corinne.  She is the best friend of Holly, who I call my official “Senior Rep” for 2008 because she has sent so many fun people my way!!  I met Corinne this past summer when I did Holly’s session, and I have been looking forward to her session since.

We had too much fun together.  We ran around being silly, doing our best to try and stay warm.  It was ABSOLUTELY FREEZING out.  Holly and I were all geared up with gloves and hats, but poor Corinne had to brave the chilly weather!  She did awesome.  :)

We wandered down some random alleys and found some goodness….

Whatever this blue barrel was, I loved the way it brought out her eyes!!

So fun having friends around!  :)

Love, love, love your EYES Corinne!!

She is crazy about birds and really had hoped to incorporate some into her shoot.  This kind old man was watching us, and threw some bread crumbs down to bring the pigeons closer.

This is one of my favorites.

Couple BFF shots.  :)  Holly is modeling it up!

See the little birdie over her shoulder?  :)

We went into this little children’s bookstore seeking warmth, and hoping for some photo spots.  I thought it was adorable!!

We especially loved the little kiddo signs….

Cozy up for some story telling….Remember what we were reading girls??

Little fun with light….

We thought she was crazy, but she went out in the cold anyway.  I’m glad she did, because I really like this shot.

So much laughter!!!  I must be really funny. ;)

Thanks Corinne for putting up with some COOOOLLLD weather for photos with me!!  I had so much fun with you and Holly.  I totally loved being your personal paparazzi for the evening.  :)

mary {a senior session}

Oh my goodness, WHERE do I BEGIN with the little gal!!!  :)  When I received a call from her Mom a couple months back, she told me that Mary was dreading Senior photos because they are all so canned and cheesy.  Her Mom was considering flying her to LA to be photographed by someone who had done head-shots for Mary’s sister (who is out there living her acting dreams).  When Mary saw the blog of her friend Holly that I did back in July, she knew she wanted to work with us!  What an absolute honor!!  Maybe a tinnnnny bit of pressure, but when I heard about what she was into, I was so excited. :)

Mary was a doll and a half to work with.  We had so much fun on her shoot, and she had some amazing ideas/locations/outfits…OH MY GOODNESS!!!  Editing these has been like a treat.  She loves fashion and is inspired by anything vintage, so she was right up my alley. She is almost as big of an Audrey Hepburn fan as I am.  Almost.  :)  She also loves photography!  Not to mention she is super happy and sweet as could be.

We began her session in one of her favorite shoe stores Morrison & Me, and big thanks to the owners for allowing us freedom to shoot around their store.  It was beautiful.

Getting glammed up…

How crazy adorable is this girl??!!

Before leaving she found a new pair of shoes.  It was love at first sight.  (In the end she opted for this pair in black and they were AMAZING on her!)

Did I mention I had a blast editing these photos?  Vintage.  Yes ma’am.

Audrey? Audrey is that you??!  :)

Mary has the most adorable smile and laugh that is completely uncontainable.  I would try to get her to give me a serious look, and this is what she would do.  :)

Oh precious light, how I love you.

FAVORITE.  Like, I am screaming in my chair right now FAVORITE.


Wowzas.  She is smokin.

A couple Fred Egan inspired shots.  I love how playful and natural she could be right after being so glamorous.

She had to have her chucks shots.

No prompting….this girl knew how and where to go.

I LOVED this dress she put on last.  Her eyes and hair just looked great with it.

This was a new location, and I arrived 5 minutes early to scope it out.  We had so many fun things to work with.

Ummm, you need to consider following your sister to LA.  You are AMAZING!!

Mary, I had such fun with you!!! Thanks so so much for having me do your Senior photos.  :)  All the best to you and your AMAZING future, whatever you choose to do!