welcome asher. {a newborn session}

To say that I “really liked” this session would be a drastic understatement.  It’s more like, if you just heard a noise, it was the sound of my heart exploding because it could not contain my love for this shoot.  Dramatic, I know.  (It has been one of those days.)  I was working on this session, and I drug favorites to my blog folder and when I realized I was at 50, I knew there was a problem.  Sifting through these to figure out “which ones, which ones” was tough.   But here is a sampling of what I finally chose.

I came to photograph Asher when he was 2 and a half weeks old.  He was only a little over 6 lbs. when he was born, so he was still a bit of a peanut….but ALERT.  He would look right in my camera, and when he would start to drift off to sleep, my shutter would make him peek open his eyes…almost like he was afraid he was going to miss something!  If you frequent my blog then you may know this beautiful family.  The last session they did with us was this past summer and you can find it HERE.

Sweet little Asher!


Beautiful Mama, my friend Jessica.


Two big sisters are better than one!  (Asher may beg to differ.)  :)


Resting with Mama…


AND back up again!! Having some bonding time with Daddy.


Love this photo.


A few sessions back with this family I told you the story of Micheal (the Dad) having a terrible accident and falling 25 ft. from a ladder.  He was badly hurt (as you can imagine) and was in the hospital for months dealing with surgeries and therapy. GRACE is the word that comes to mind.  Without the grace of God, Michael would not be here, and therefore Asher would not as well.  Because of this, it was very important to them to show the scar on Micheal’s arm.   I absolutely agree.





if you have the urge to grab your screen to kiss this sweet little face, calm down and breathe deeply…repeat.




And back to sleep again.



One of my favorites.





This may be one of my most favorite family moments I have ever captured.  It makes me want to have a newborn again, to have someone come take pictures like this of us.  :)  It is just so warm, cozy, and real.


I left that day with a major love for a new little man, and a yearning in my womb.  The second part went away as soon as I walked into my own house.  :)  This session also reminded me of what an honor it is to be invited into someone’s home, in their intimate space, to capture the beauty of LIFE.  Thanks you guys.

love,  jess

some favorites of 2008 {children and families}

Oh my goodness, I didn’t realize how fun this would be!!  All I have to say is, it has been SO incredibly hard to choose between the wonderful families and children we have had the pleasure of documenting this year.  I am so glad it is you and not me that has to vote for ONE photo!  Choosing a few was HARRRD.  ;)   In case you did not read the previous post, we are having a friendly competition!  Simply choose your favorite photo-this round you may choose ONE family + ONE child photo, so you get to PICK 2 PHOTOS! In the comment box, tell me the name and number and WHY you are voting for that particular photo.  If you don’t tell me why you are choosing, your vote is not counted. (Did I mention how fun this is that I get to make the rules??) The winner who receives the most votes will receive a complementary 8X10 from studio3z!!

Also, the competition is still on in the previous post {Seniors+Portraits} because it seems we are at a tie!  I will close that one tomorrow morning.  :)

Below are some very wonderful people….some we have known, some we just met this year.  Each one in their own way has touched our lives.

Now get to voting!  :)   Voting for this round will close on Wednesday at NOON.

#1 Leyla


#2 Roxanna


#3 Luke


#4 Jade


#5 Lukas


#6 Maria and Drew


#7 Josie


#8 Zazi


#9 Grace


#10 The W Family


#11 (Part of) The K Family


#12 The M Family


#13 The C Family


#14 The W Family


#15 The S Family


#16 The V Family


#17 The C family


#18 The H Family


For the families privacy, I only used the first letter of their last names….a few are the same, so PLEASE BE SURE AND PUT THE PHOTO # WITH THE NAMES!!!

Thanks.  :)  Happy voting!!