Can I just say how happy I am to see the sun shining again?? I know, spring has been in full swing for some time now, but I think I am still shaking my post winter blues. I am SOOO happy for the pretty days we have been getting.
Meet this cute family of four! Mom is Kara, Dad is Ryan, and then we have Conner and Preston. :) We had an absolutely beautiful evening!
I’ll give you one guess as to who takes center stage in this family? That would be 3 yr. old Preston!
These guys are such cuties.
What a doll!!
We had fun watching the boys play….
Tickle fest!
And then JUMP!
A moment for just Mom and Dad. (It lasted about 3.2 seconds…)
This photo is actually upside down from how I shot it. I said, “Preston!” and he looked back at me.
:) Mr. Silly in action. (These kind of shots are always my favorite.)
Just Dad and his boys.
LOVE this shot.
Mom and her boys!
Kara and Ryan, thank you for coming out to do a session with us! :) We enjoyed running around and hanging out with you all!
Welcome little Paige Janelle….She was 5 weeks old when I came over to her house to photograph her. What a little cutie!
Here is Paige getting some love by Mommy and Daddy (Brittany and Joel). It is so much fun watching new parents. They are just as cute as the babies. :)
Check out that look on her face!
First baby smiles are the biggest heart melters.
Daddy + daughter.
Paige was so cute! Every time the camera was on her, she was well aware. This was her “Vogue” pose.
See what I mean? She was staring right at me!!
Did I mention she was brilliant? This is her after I said, “How many weeks old are you Paige?” :)
This is Paige’s Aunt Janelle, who she gets her middle name from.
Naked time! Paige was not interested in looking at me…she just wanted to look out the window.
Love her yummy baby rolls.
When my daughter saw me working on these she said, “Wow, she is SOOO lucky to have so much hot pink.” :)
She went to sleep for just a minute or so.
At the end, everyone got Paige dressed up and we went out to get some fresh spring air.
Thank you Brittany and Joel, for having me into your home to photograph your precious little family. :)
second shot is R A D.
awesome sesh!!
awesome pictures! love the ones of all the family together
I love the one of all the boys wrestling!!1
Seriously, your family sessions always grab me! I love them all, they each have their own feel (duh, different families, right?!) and capture such precious, real moments. Love it! =)