tiny hopes.

Perhaps it will be as simple as a cup of hot tea, the roof over your head, a good meal, or your child’s hand in yours…

Perhaps it will be a call from a friend, the passing thought of a cherished memory, or seeing the face of someone you love.

No matter big or small, today, I hope that you have reason to smile.

(taken by @jesszwo on Instagram.)


Lately I’ve been…..

– trying to break out of summer mode, and getting used to a more strict schedule

– thinking about how important it is for me to be creating-even just a bit each day

– organizing supplies, ordering books, and looking forward to our new homeschooling year that starts next week

– contemplating that my girl is now in Jr. High, and my baby is in Kindergarten (how?!)

– deep in thought regarding ways to “raise the bar” this year with schooling our children, and the gravity of this chosen undertaking

– repeatedly humbled by the Lord’s mercy and grace in my life

– in the mood for downsizing and feeling bogged down by so much unnecessary “stuff”

(which leads me to)

– considering planning a virtual garage sale

– dreaming of land, and entertaining the thought of moving to the country to give our kids the kind of experiences I had growing up

– excited to begin learning embroidery and cross-stitching

– feeling incredibly thankful for the simple things in this life

photo taken on instagram [@jesszwo]

How about you? What are you up to lately?