I really admire the dedication and unfaltering effort Adin can put into something he really loves…like the art of guitar. Lately he has really been intensely wanting to learn how to play the guitar that he got for his birthday over the summer from his Papaw and Nana. You can see how intense he is here in some of these photos where he was getting some of his first lessons at my mom’s house from Santo. We hope that we can harness some of the intensity Adin has for things like his guitar and help spread it out to provide more balance in his life as he grows into the man he is to become.
All images taken with our Leica M4-P with Fuji Pro 400H film.
I was so excited to receive these scans back as this was our first engagement session that we also shot with film. You may remember Lauren and Ian’s engagement session in a recent post. It was a brilliant summer evening and we had a great time with this couple out at the farm.
All images taken with our Contax 645 camera with Fuji Pro 400H film.
Hope to hear a song next time i’m home!
I’m having a tiny problem I can’t seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I’m using google reader by the way.
It has been fixed now. Let me know if you have any issues with it now…..http://feeds.feedburner.com/ourlifeinbalance Thank you!