our life in 2013

I have already shared our professional work of 2013, and I’m happy to now share a peek into our personal life.

Our 2013 began like most years; high hopes and a fresh clean slate.  We had just finished up a rough and tiring year in 2012. So rough in  fact, that I never was able to share our photos. Just too tired. Our spring of 2013 had some wonderful moments, but some major unexpected sadness as well. By the time May rolled around,  personally, I felt emotionally drained. I prayed that the second half would make up for the first. And honestly, I feel it did.

Things learned in 2013:

– You never know when your beloved grandma may leave this earth. Call her. Daily. Even if she talks your ear off, and she will. You’ll miss her voice more than you imagined.

-Even when you think you’ve seen it all, witnessing your sister labor in the hospital for four days will further make you realize the strength of the human spirit and body. You will never look at her or her sweet husband the same. And that little end product, she’s gonna steal your heart.

-Taking away media from kids will not deprive them. From the silence, creativity will be born. They will communicate better. They will be kinder people.

-On that note, getting your children involved in fruitful activities will decrease the desire for unfruitful ones.

-Travel is needed. It is wholehearted our favorite family activity. We’re craving seeing the world more and more each year.

-Changing up our photography work schedule and blocking off months for just family time was eye opening, and completely realigned priorities.

-Friends and family will move away, but they’re always near in heart. And thank God for FaceTime.

-Making the choice to be more organized, dedicated, and considerate of my time with my children changed our home life.

-Time invested in dear friends erases all the negativity that the world will throw at you. Real, good folks are food for the soul.

-We are more blessed than we could ever express. We hope to awake each morning choosing to be a better person than the day before. That is the goal.

Our year….

(Left) My pal Beck and I dressed up and headed out for the season premiere of Downton Abbey: Season 3 last year. If I would have known how the season ended I would have thrown in the towel that night on the whole dang show. (Right) Adin participated in two spelling bees in 2013, and won 3rd place in each!

After selling his artwork at The City Flea in the summer and fall of 2012, Riah was asked to be in a local Cincinnati magazine!

(Left) Gabe shared one of his favorite non-dairy recipes, and then later in 2013 we realized he had outgrown his allergy! Yay! (On the right) Our family attended a magazine party, and had fun at Mojo Circus.

We traveled to Nashville for a photography session and visited with family.

Three generations: Brett’s mama, grandpa, and Brett

After a LONG wait, Lilah Jane arrived and shook things up!

My heart was bursting holding my sweet niece for the first time….

My favorite father-in-law in the world (inside joke, but true) had a rocking 70th birthday party, which he put together himself, of course.

We surprised him with a photo booth (thanks to friends), and it was a huge hit!

We all pitched in to help our dear friend Chad pick up and move across country….

Brett and I were able to see one of our favorite “legends of our time” speak in Cincinnati.

Priya and I share a best friend. She’s been a part of this family since it started, and it was soooo hard saying goodbye to her as she moved to Florida last spring.

We did an updated grandkids photoshoot for my parents….goofballs.

In May, Brett and I took the honeymoon we never had as we left our children for the first time for over 5 days. We flew to San Fransisco, hung out with brother Jason, visited with friends, traveled up the coast, stayed with my cousin, fell in complete and utter LOVE with the town of Mendocino (I still dream about it), and enjoyed 10 wonderful days together. I had very mixed feelings about being away from the kids that long, but looking back on these photos I can enjoy the trip again, with them here in my lap. :)

Jason came to town at the end of May to say goodbye before leaving for a year to live in Russia. Below, we enjoyed a scavenger hunt around downtown Cincy….

And he got his annual session with his babies.

Our sweet baby turned 6 years old in June!

Priya and her girls can be found here most often…

Summers eating al fresco….

Trips to the City Flea were always a blast!

This summer was loaded with cookouts, back yard get-togethers, dinner with friends, events for the kids, and pool time. I wouldn’t change a moment.

I’ve been itching for a minor update to our family room. After stressing myself out about colors, we repainted the room, and I am still so in love with that green.

Our annual Fourth of July party…

Adin turned 11 and requested a lasagna cake, just like last year.

Contractors came and gutted our 1980s bathroom, ripped out walls, and stripped everything to the studs. Brett and I helped a *little* bit. Below, we were removing all the “popcorn” ceiling.

My husband surprised me with a beautifully wild bouquet, a darling note, and chocolates on my birthday. He kinda knows me.

We had fun watching Lilah-pants grow and learn new tricks!

In 2013, Gabe learned to swim like a fish.

Our Ri guy turned nine!

And the bathroom began to look like a spa…..AHHHH!

Priya and Adin took part in our community center play (The Little Mermaid) and were the only homeschooled kids. We were super proud of them.

Priya and a girl friend went on a fancy double date with their fathers to learn about how a man should be expected to treat a lady. At first she was mortified at the thought, but came home raving about their time together. ;)

In September, school began! The boys started 6th, 4th, and 1st grades.

Priya started 8th grade…which still seems unreal to say.

A few weeks after school began, we celebrated by a weekend in the great outdoors with dear friends.

In October the ladies of my family did some celebrating of life together…one stop was our favorite salon

Priya and my niece, Kaitlyn

Priya and her interesting mother

Countless meals spent around our table in 2013…

A Baba and his boy…

Brett had the opportunity to visit his brother in Russia for a couple weeks. He took it! (I was a teeeny tiny bit sad without him.)

So, I loaded the kids in the car and we went to visit Lucy in Florida. We did school beach-style baby!

One of our best friends got married! Whoo-hoo!

We hosted our 8th annual Friendsgiving.

Gabe finished his reading lesson book, and we celebrated his accomplishment!

Riah began piano lessons and is so in love with this instrument.

We schooled…and schooled…and schooled our babes.

My niece packed up and headed to Georgia for grad school. :(

Baba cooked…and cooked…and cooked.

Brett and I celebrated 15 years of marriage in December with a couple days of being tourists in our own city! I told him, “All I want is to escape and have breakfast in bed.” WIN!

We enjoyed down time together as a family during our winter break from school…We baked way too much.

Some things did not make it into our year in photos and many things were only documented with our iphones. We *tried* to work harder at taking photos with the big cameras, and I think we did better this year. If you would like to see our silly every day-to-day life, you can follow me and Brett on Instagram (@Brettzwo @Jesszwo).

If you made it this far, thanks so much for taking the time! Our family here at Life in Balance wishes you a wonderful year ahead, full of growth in whatever way it is most needed. From the Z family to you, happy 2014!

52 weeks

I’m incredibly excited to take part in the 52 WEEKS photography project in 2014, where I will capture a portrait of each of my children, each week. It will be a challenge for me, but I’m up to it! Of *course* I decided to commit to this the second week of the year, but hey, who’s counting.



(1) Riah, post-schoolwork…missing winter break

(2) The best big sis in the world, listening to brother read

(3) My silly goose exclaiming, “I just CAN’T quit sucking my fingers!”

(4) Adin, excited to take his truck for a spin on the frozen pond