
I have to be  honest….some weeks this project seems so daunting. Getting out the camera (not the iphone), and then taking a descent photo of each child, EVERY week? Ugh. Before there were weeks in our off season that my camera didn’t even leave the bag in my closet, but this project has forced it onto the kitchen counter, the schoolroom table, or the living room floor….places where it is always accessible. And for this reason, I am utterly thankful. Only a few weeks in, and I am already seeing so many memories that would have never been photographed. More than likely, they would have passed and been forgotten because really–they’re just everyday ordinary moments. But I tend to think those are true beauties…probably my favorite little treasures.

The 52 Project

“A photo of each child, every week of 2014″




(1) She’s excited for a new season of soccer coming up in a few more months, so she broke out the team shirt this week.

(2) Our 8-foot snow piles began melting as temps went into the 60s this week. It was darling how Gabe kept saying, “I can smell summer. It’s coming!”

(3) Riah began a grammar course, and he’s kicking tail in his first year. Here he proudly displays his work after I asked him to write the appropriate diagramming line for each sentence structure.

(4) I love watching these brothers collaborate together each school day. Next year Adin will be in 7th grade, and with that he will work separately from Riah as he learns more about independence and managing his own time. For now, I will cherish having them both under my wing and in my face each day. ;)


“A photo of each child, every week of 2014″


(1) The Winter Olympics has had this kid inspired and outdoors in all that white stuff. P.S. This is the weirdest winter I can remember of seemingly never ending snow in Cincy.

(2) Headache for mom (aka teacher) meant free time and  fort building….

(3) She’s been getting her schoolwork and chores done earlier this week so she has time to watch more Olympic events. I’m kind of digging this.