Gabe’s special treat.

Our kids are very comfortable in the kitchen. Nearly every day one of them is in there creating something new…total perk of schooling at home! Today, Gabe wants to share a recipe with you of one of his favorite treats that he loves to help make. It’s healthy, tastes unbelievably good, and is so easy to make.

It’s homemade banana ice cream!

First, freeze some peeled bananas. We put all our over-ripe ones in a giant ziploc bag. When you want to make ice cream, take as many as desired out and chop into chucks.

Put them in a blender, like Gabe did here. This is Gabe’s great-grandmother’s old blender, and it works better then most new ones.

Sometimes we add in other treats like peanut butter, or chocolate chunks, or coconut flakes. Today we added some frozen blueberries.

Then you add a little vanilla–maybe about 1/2 tsp.– and some just a bit of liquid of choice. You could use almond, rice, or coconut milk (for non-dairy people), or milk. Don’t add too much liquid, because you don’t want your ice cream too soft.  Let is sit for a couple of minutes to soften the bananas.

Blend until it begins to get smooth….

Check for ice cream consistency, and give it a good taste test.

If it’s not soft enough you can add a bit more liquid, but not much! If it’s good, then you can serve it up.

Hmmmm… Gabe gonna like it???

Yes! Approved. ;)

evan {senior}

It’s not often we get the chance to photograph high school Senior boys, so this was a fun change of pace. Trying to think of “ways to pose a dude” provided a bit of comic relief…at least for me if no one else. I’m just so used to posing the girls, so I kept trying to stand, sit, and cross my arms like a guy would. Brett just sat and shook his head. But Evan had it. No worries. When it was said and done, this actually turned out as one of my favorite Senior sessions! I love it.