An awesome experience.

As I mentioned last Friday, my kids took part in the City Flea here in Cincinnati last Saturday! It was such an absolutely fun yet absolutely exhausting time. Two adults, five children, under a 10×10 tent for over 7 hours. It was seriously beyond awesome!!

Honestly, I enjoyed it all so much and I think my kids had the experience of their life. People came up, realized kids were selling THEIR OWN art, and their jaws dropped. Riah had people wanting to shake his hand, ask for his autograph, and asked him to sign the shirts they were buying. He just acted like, “Oh, ok.” Like it was just a normal day. We met some very kind and wonderful people.

Below are a few photos we snapped. Their was NEVER a dull moment, so we weren’t the best at capturing the event to its fullest!


Here’s a great view Brett captured with his iphone of the Flea at the beautiful new Washington Park! We had a GORGEOUS day on Saturday.

The kids worked hard to get their booth set up that morning…..

We arrived at 9:00AM, and the Flea started at 10:00 and went until 4:00. By 10:45 the kids were begging for food and to walk around. (ummmm….what!?)

I made bio boards for each side explaining who each child was and their role in the booth. I noticed that it grabbed most everyone’s attention that walked by! They were a hit!

These are the pics I used for their bio boards:

Our dear pal Ryan drove in with his beautiful family from Indy to hang out! We were blessed with so many friends that came by to show support.

Ryan also designed this killer logo for XYZ Art!

Besides asking for a cappuccino every hour, Adin did a great job as the manager of XYZ Art, so his (shy) little brother didn’t have to talk much. ;)

I adore this photo. I think he’ll love it someday when he’s a grown man.

T-shirts were the biggest seller! We had people that were not in Cincy asking via email, text, and instagram for info on Riah’s shirts….so here you go! We have brown & silver women’s v-neck, unisex brown or grey, and youth dark brown or grey. Comment or email me with your size and color if you are interested.

Adults: $20

Youth: $15

We’re so pumped for next month’s Flea! If you’re around Cincinnati on September 15th we’d love to see you there!

A love story.

If you’ve been around this blog for a while then you’ve heard me talk about my baby sister and her hubby Adam. Ash is not only my little sweetie-pie sis, but my best friend as well. You’ve probably seen her face in our year-end slideshows, or maybe have seen her engagement photos, or the post about her beautiful wedding.  Well, she and Adam have a little something to share below….



Dude, DO YOU KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS AUNTIE IS?!! I have to apologize ahead of time for the photos that will be coming of the new little person we will be adoring. It may get ridiculous.