edie + steve + emme + elea {family}

Oh how we adore this sweet family!

Edie emailed me a couple months ago introducing herself, and shared how she would love to have pictures taken with us.  She lives in Tennessee with her beautiful family, and was planning to travel up to Cincinnati for a Homeschool Convention in early April.  I was thrilled when I popped over to her blog (http://www.lifeingraceblog.com)….and emerged an hour later in love with Edie and her intelligent, big-hearted, quirky, crafting, homeschooling, blogging self!!  I was so excited to meet and photo her family.  :)

Their two little girls are just precious….and their outfits ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF!!!!

Meet Emme.  :)

Meet  Elea.  :)

Another reason for this session (besides for FUN) was Edie and Steve are celebrating 10 years together this fall!!

YAY for LOVE.  :)

Edie and Steve, thanks so much for traveling to Cincy and doing a photo session with us.  Emme and Elea, thanks for being so sweet, cute, and fun!

Last but not least, Mr. Sun, thanks for shining so beautifully for us that evening.  ;)

Hope our paths cross again!

much love,

jess + brett

time to celebrate!!

A couple years ago Adin was working with Brett on learning to read.  Riah was so interested, and would beg to have his own “lesson” with Baba when Adin was done each evening.  Even though he was 3, Brett began working with him and teaching from, “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons” each day for about 5-10 minutes.  After getting about half way through the book, Riah would get tired and disinterested during lessons.  So after starting/stopping several times, we decided to take a break for several months.  Recently, we picked it back up again and Riah worked very hard, with Wii incentives, and now is our third child who is reading well.   :)

Of course with something THIS big, we had to have a bit of an ending goal….so at about lesson 70 we told Riah he could choose any restaurant he wanted when he finished the book.  He decided on Benihana since he had never been, and wanted to go so badly!

Gabe was scared for the first few minutes the chef was chopping and cooking in front of him!

We all enjoyed it!  :)

I love that Brett gets the special time with each child teaching them to read.  It will always be a sweet memory for us, and hopefully for each kid as well.  :)