on a personal note.

A few weeks ago I was working on compiling “favorites of 2008” for our blog contest we were having.  As I was going through our year of photos, I realized all the personal photos that we had sitting there, and started reminiscing on all the memories we were able to capture.  I decided I should do something with them because having them sit around on our hard drive is not very fun.  So I began working on a new slide-show.  I think when I started off I had around 350 photos, and it was about 10 minutes long!  So I narrowed it down to around 210 pictures.   I debated on whether or not to post it on my blog, because frankly, I don’t know if people would really care to see these….they are just our memories from the year.  But, I figured there are so many of you that have followed our lives on here, so to you faithful blog readers, family and friends, I decided to share this little labor of love.  Trying to find a song for the right amount of time was very difficult as well.  I wanted it to have the right vibe for our family, and fit exactly to the amount of photos.  I won’t tell you how long I spent on that one.

I have to make a little disclaimer on here….

***Some of these photos are STRAIGHT OUT OF THE CAMERA and are not edited. You heard me right. Some are taken with our point and shoot as well. (All you photographers out there gasping, I apologize.)***

Some things you may see in this video:

Brett’s birthday

Gabe’s 1st birthday, Adin’s 6th birthday, Riah’s 4th birthday, Priya’s 9th birthday

My birthday

Gabe’s first haircut

Kid’s piano recital

First lost teeth

Riah learning to ride a 2-wheeler, and trying rollerblades

Trips and vacations

Home-school activities

Random kitchen dance parties

Many musical shows

Moments spent with friends and family

LOTS and LOTS of Gabriel! (It was kinda his year since he went from 6 mths. to 1 1/2!)

Most importantly, I hope you see a family with an abundance of happiness, and loads of LOVE to spare…..

Here it is!  The photos are in chronological order through the year.

christine {a senior session}

Wooo-hooo!!  Another Senior Session!!   I have to admit, I really loved this session, A LOT.   I had such fun hanging out with pretty lil’ Christine and her friend Matt.  We met up in Newport, KY to do her Senior session, which is where she likes to go to hang out.  Christine is adorable, friendly, and dressed so darn cute.  :)  She was so super easy to work with, and her friend Matt was just awesome as well.  We walked all around (and it was FA-reeeeezing!!) and all around some more, and Matt carried Christine’s bag of clothes.  :) What a man!

How ADORABLE is this girl!!!!


I very quickly found out….her “friend” was a little more than a “friend.”  :)



Look at that B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L smile!  :)


Her clothes ROCKED.  She said, “When I saw this shirt I bought it, because I thought, Jess told me to be funky!”  I loved it.




gorgeous eyes…..









As we were walking back to our cars, I saw headlights from a truck on this wall.  AHH!!  I asked the guy to sit there, and did a few more shots.



And, I am so happy to have this done today because it is Christine’s birthday!!! So, everybody wish her a happy 18th!!!

Christine and Matt, it was a great time hanging out with you two…best of luck on your choices as you go off to college, and Christine, good luck with pre-Med!  You are adorable.  :)