what i love.

Creativity….Fresh ideas…..

You may have seen this already, and I have been wanting to post this artistic endeavor for a while now.  The story goes something like this….adoring (and unemployed) fan creates a FANTASTIC video for a Death Cab for Cutie song.  He plans it out, and through a mixture of many many still photographs and video, he creates a wonderful piece.

People notice it.  People love it.

Death Cab notices it. Death Cab makes it their official video for their song, “Little Bribes.”

Fan is happy.  Fan now works.  :)

Moral of the story: BE CREATIVE, and show it!  You may be surprised who takes note.

Death Cab for Cutie – Little Bribes from Ross Ching on Vimeo.

billy wallace {music}

Since my brother is out on tour again and my boys keep asking about him, I thought I would post photos I did recently for his new solo album.

Billy Wallace and the Virginia Blues is touring currently, and you can hear some tunes and see his schedule HERE.

I’m starting with one of my personal favs….


He looks so much like Riah here, it’s funny.


His newest tat- (The Saint of Music) well, it was when I did the shoot.  He has since added….






He used this shot for his promo poster.  It looked rad.


He called this his JC Penny catalog shot.  I don’t think that was a compliment.


You’re cute Billy bob.





“Boys. Don’t. Cry.”

Use this photo for you Robert Smith covers.


Love you Billy.  Hope this tour goes well.

xo Jesse