My parents gave Gabriel a cute wooden “rocking elephant” for his 1st birthday. He is about the cutest thing sitting up on it. He just looks at us like, “So now what?” He hasn’t figured it out quite yet, but all in good time. :)
Could he be any cuter??! :)
Really, I think he is just about as into the BOX the elephant came in, as the actual toy itself. The kids cut it up and made it into a fort almost immediately.
Well it has been a rough weekend in our household. The stomach virus has taken over and I am the last man standing (as of typing this blog…fingers crossed). Even little Gabriel was puking yesterday, but at least he is feeling better for his birthday today. We had to cancel his birthday party, which was a total bummer, but he seems to not mind at all.
On this day one year ago our baby Gabriel came into this world. It was 6:30 in the morning when he arrived at home. Yes, I gave birth at home ya’ll. And intentionally I might add. :) He was cute, and looked so much like his oldest brother, but with very pale skin and strawberry blonde fuzzy hair. This year seems to have flown by faster than I wanted, but I look at our amazing little guy, and thank God for each day we get with him. Lord willing this will be the first of many, many, many, birthdays we get to share together.
I just HHHAADD to post a photo tribute of his year. Yes there are a lot of photos but hey, it’s my blog and I can do what I want. ;)
This photo was on the day he was born. Scrunched up and red at first. Yes, I’m looking mighty rough. Pale, green and anemic!
These were all taken the first week of his life. Sweet little moments.
Um, yeah. We love us some Gabriel. Lots and lots of Gabie Baby. :) He is so pint size, I decided to blow him up to a 30×40.
Happy birthday my little love.
awwww jess, he’s so cute. i wish i could play with him now!