In case you haven’t noticed, July is BIRTHDAY MADNESS around these parts. This week is especially chock full. So my birthday was the 27th, and Brett’s Mama’s was the day before mine, my baby boy was yesterday the 29th, and my baby sister in tomorrow the 31st. Got that? Yeah. That’s just within a week.
Riah is my middle boy. I have 3 boys if you are new to my blog. His name is Yuriah, but he ended up being “Riah” to everyone. He has the coolest initials in the world- XYZ. He is Mr. generous, Mr. charming, Mr. “you want to eat him and let him melt in your mouth”. He is precious. But he is also dramatic. And loud. He woke up yesterday and yelled, “am I FOUR yet?!!?” “YES, Riah you are FOUR!” He was getting a little frustrated having to wait. I mean Gabriel was 1 in June, Adin was 6 at the beginning of July, so he feels like he has waited FOREVER, and a day. But he was finally 4. He chose to go bowling and eat at Skyline Chili for dinner. Here are some shots of him bowling, and he just learned to ride a 2 wheeler, so here he is showing off a little to everyone. He was excited that Baba was taking pictures for the blog! :) (Did I mention he is a ham too?)
Gettin’ his bowling shoes on….
didn’t I tell you he was Mr. Charmer?? :) I love this boy.
Here he is showing his 2 wheelin’ skills!!
Love you my sweet 4 year old BIG boy! :) :)
My friend Lucy just recently turned me on to “Dancing Matt.” I can not even tell you how happy this video makes me. It gives me goose bumps and makes my eyes water. Like, “I want to keep this on my desktop so when I am having a bad day I can just sit and watch him dance,” happy. Not to mention I can be caught doing this same dance almost daily (Just ask the kids). :)
14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands.
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
happy belated birthday riah! i’m so sorry i missed it. you look especially adorable in you fashionable puke green bowling shoes. I LOVED THEM! i’m so proud of your skills on wheels! happy birthday you adorable little boy!!!
Riah – you’re a boy after my own heart – skyline chili and bowling?! I couldn’t think of a better birthday party duo.
Oh-My-Gawd he is cute! Four, you know Sophia turned 4 last week and she has been breaking my heart on a daily basis. I don’t know if she is just growing up at light speed now or if I’m just realizing that she’s been doing it all along. I wish I could just sit on her and make her slow down!
I LOVE the picture of Riah and Ashley! He’s a doll baby!